Selling Jewish Education
I hated my job. Not all the time. Not even most of the time. But there were moments - key moments - when I was sure that the position just wasn't for me.
I started my career in school administration as the Director of Admissions of a large Orthodox boys high school in New York. As the school had never had such a position . . .
An Open Letter to Donald Sterling
The following appeared in the MHA / FYOS Reporter as the Message from the Dean on 5/16/2014
Dear Mr. Sterling,
I wanted to tell you about two things that happened recently in our Orthodox Jewish Day School here in Memphis, Tennessee.
Last week, our girls attended the closing awards ceremony for the local . . .
Greece vs. Galoway
Reflections on Public Prayer
The following appeared in the MHA / FYOS Reporter as the Message from the Dean on 5/8/2014
Though the drama played out in Washington D.C. and centered on a town in upstate New York, the issues debated, discussed, and pronounced in this week’s Supreme Court’s ruling on Town of Greece vs. Galoway struck a particular chord for our . . .