The War in Gaza:
Understanding the Israeli Perspective
The following is a Lunch & Learn that I gave to the faculty of The Jewish Leadership Academy on April 18, 2024. Feel free to share:
The Winds of Change
Lecture Series
Here are the links to a recent four part lecture series I gave at Boca Raton Synagogue that looks at the massive shifts that occur in Eastern European Jewish society over the course of the 19th century:
The Winds of Change:
Part 2: Rav Yisrael Salanter and the Mussar . . .
Chasidim & Misnagdim
A Four Part Lecture Series
Last night was the last of our four part lecture series on Chasidim and Misnagdim at Boca Raton Synagogue. We began with an overview of Jewish life in Poland prior to the 18th century and the emergence of the Ba'al Shem Tov. In Part 2, we looked at the central teaching of early Chasidus and how those played a role in explaining its . . .
The 4 R's
Biblical Criticism in Modern Orthodox High Schools
Is the Torah true? Did the historical events described within it actually happen? How are we, as Orthodox Jews, to contend with archeological findings that may suggest otherwise? How do we, as Modern Orthodox Jews, justify our embrace of academic research for establishing truth in all areas except those that seem to . . .
Reflecting on Jewish Education
Here are some thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing the field of Jewish Education that I recently shared with the Jewish Education Experience podcast: