Gil Perl

A Strategic Reset for Day School Finances

Based on a forthcoming paper in the Azrieli Papers: Post COVID Chinuch vol. 2


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March 22, 2021

Why is This Purim Different?

An Open Letter to the Jewish Community

This is the text of a letter I sent to our school community yesterday, on the eve of our second Purim of the COVID era.  If you think it can be helpful for your community, feel free to share it with others:


February 24, 2021
12 Adar, 5781
. . .

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February 25, 2021

Praying for the Welfare of Our Government

Reflections on the storming of the capitol

The following is a letter I sent to our school community on Thursday of this week, reflecting on the chaos that had ensued in our capitol the day before:  


. . .
January 7, 2021
23 Tevet, 5781

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January 08, 2021

The Making of Modern Judaism Part III

Neo-Orthodoxy and the Legacy of Rav Hirsch

This is was the third of a three part lecture series I recently gave through the Young Israel of Teaneck on the Making of Modern Judaism:

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December 23, 2020

A Definition of Modern Orthodoxy

"Modern Orthodoxy never is less, always is more."

This is a video we created as an invitation to Kohelet Yeshiva High School's Open House back in 2015.  See my original post about it here

It recently came to my attention that people were looking for it but it had been deleted from YouTube.  I have now posted it again.  Feel free to share and to offer your own . . .

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December 17, 2020

The Making of Modern Judaism Part II

The Origins of Ultra-Orthodoxy

This is was the second of a three part lecture series I recently gave through the Young Israel of Teaneck on the Making of Modern Judaism:



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December 17, 2020

Yehuda & Leadership's Most Difficult Lesson

Insights from Parashat Vayeshev

Given as the Friday Parsha Shiur at Kohelet Yeshiva High School, parashat Vayeshev 5781:


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December 11, 2020


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