Following an incredibly inspiring communal tekes Yom HaZikaron last night followed by a ruach-filled tefillah chagigit in our Beit Midrash last night, and a spirited tefillah this morning, I took a few minutes out to try and place everything we were doing for Yom Ha'atzmaut in context.
As an institution and as a community we are quick to identify ourselves as "Religious Zionist" yet I'm not sure we take enough time to define what that means. This morning I tried to do exactly that with our high school and middle school students. I made it clear I wasn't offering "the" Religious Zionist perspective, but "a" Religious Zionist perspective... my own.
Here are the source sheets we used. Below is an audio recording of the talk which can be downloaded here.
חג שמח לכולם!
CEO of the Ades Family Foundation. Founding Head of School of the Jewish Leadership Academy. Fascinated with the Jewish future.