Defining Modern Orthodoxy
The Story Behind the Video
Our Admissions Department sent out this video yesterday as a means of inviting students and parents to our upcoming Open House.
In the hours that have passed since its release we've been inundated with responses and comments via email and social media. Amongst them have been several requests for more information: what . . .
Immigration and the American Jew
Personal Reflections on a Global Crisis
Pope Francis introduced himself to the American people this week by noting that “as the son of an immigrant family, I am happy to be a guest in this country, which was largely built by such families.”
While the crowd on White House’s South Lawn responded with rousing applause, the veiled critique was hard to ignore. Much like . . .
The Fear of Old Age
Words of Inspiration for Yom Kippur
These are the words I shared with our students at Kohelet Yeshiva High School as we concluded our kumsitz today and headed home to prepare for Yom Kippur:
Baumol's Disease and the Sustainability of Jewish Day Schools
A white paper released last year by ISM (Independent School Management) entitled "Full Steam Ahead Part 3" unwittingly offers important insight into the particularly thorny problem of Jewish Day School finances.
The paper begins by attributing the fact that the cost of education has, and continues to, outpace inflation to . . .
Gifts for God
Thoughts for Parashat Beha'alotekha
These are the thoughts I shared with our students this morning as the final installment in our weekly parsha series.
Afterward, several kids came up to me to tell me how moved they were. Others wanted to know where they could find the candy...
Judaic Studies for Tomorrow
Over my last few years at the Margolin Hebrew Academy in Memphis and over the course of this year working with my admin team at Kohelet Yeshiva High School and the educational design team at Yeshiva Lab School, I've had the opportunity to think quite a bit about what we need to be doing in our Judaic Studies classrooms today to best . . .
The Searing Silence
An Appreciation of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, zt"l
The following is the opening of a tribute to Rav Lichtenstein that was published in the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent on April 28, 2015.
The Jewish world lost a giant last week. From humble beginnings as a refugee child in New York seeking asylum from Vichy France to last year’s induction into the pantheon of Israel Prize recipients, . . .